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Hey Everyone, welcome to my blog. Where the goal is to share how my life has been, and continues to be, impacted as a result of chronic Lyme disease.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A day in the life...

I had plans for my blog post, but decided to write something different instead. Because today was the perfect example of “a day in the life of someone who is chronically ill”.

Last night I didn’t sleep. But this morning I mustered up the strength to put on nice clothes (and even mascara), and went to the National prayer breakfast with my dad. He made me ‘Sjanie friendly’ food in advance, and when we got there he pushed me in my walker for most of the parts that required walking ❤️  I truly am glad I could go. It was one of those mornings where I kept thinking: chronic illness isn’t winning.

Then I got home. I had the house to myself, so I laid on a couch on the main level of the house so I wouldn’t be trapped upstairs (I can’t do stairs on my own). The exhaustion set in and my existing nausea got much worse. So I tried to rest. I finally fell asleep for an hour. But I had such vivid and violent dreams. I woke up with a start because the phone was ringing. My body was drenched in sweat. And I was very disoriented.  Once I became more aware of my surroundings I could breath a little easier.

When my family got home they helped me up to my bed, where I am now. I’m dealing with terrible pressure in my head, and a lot of pain.  

This is the reality of chronic illness though. We push ourselves to try and “live” a little, but we will pay for it after.  I won’t deny that the morning was worth it.... but I still struggle with not being able to function like a “normal” person.

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