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Hey Everyone, welcome to my blog. Where the goal is to share how my life has been, and continues to be, impacted as a result of chronic Lyme disease.

Thursday, March 30, 2017


This past week I met with a new specialist in Mississauga.

Leading up to it I was quite anxious.  I have grown tired of Doctors not knowing how to really help me, and so I couldn't help but worry this time around.   The night before I didn't really sleep.  

Bright and early Tuesday morning we (my dad and I) set out for Mississauga.  I felt fairly sick a majority of the way, but thankfully the trip wasn't too long, and I could take lots of breaks.                           
The appointment mainly consisted of the doctor getting to know me and all of my health history.  While I was sharing, he commented that even some of the things I had as a kid were signs of Lyme.  I don't think we'll ever be able to pin point when I got it...but the important part is, I know I have it, and we have to treat it.   Some people wonder why it only started getting really bad over the past year. Well the thing is, people can have the bacteria in their body for years without it making a huge impact.  And that was the case for me...it would try to surface often (in all the times I did get sick), but my body was still strong enough to resist it.   However, when I had a concussion last Spring my health, immunity, and strength all went down....and this is when the Lyme really took off. 

During the appointment they also did some bioresonance testing to determine multiple things.  From this we discovered I have a very strong reaction to mold, I've got lots of parasites, and 4 co-infections.   

He gave me some tips going forward.  1. Get a really good water filtration system (vital for maintaining good health).  2.  Do my best to clean my environment of mold (the Lyme treatment won't be properly effective if I am still dealing with mold).  3. I have to make some dietary changes as well.

As we were walking out of his office towards the receptionist's desk I started feeling really light headed and weak.  Apparently one of the ladies in the office noticed (she said I looked pale and green), and got me to sit down and then eat and drink something.   One of the biggest downsides to being nauseous so often, is that you don't always realize when you haven't eaten for nearly an entire day until things like this happen.  

I've booked another appointment next week where they will finish testing, and will finish explaining the whole treatment process (it's impossible to fit it all in in the first visit).   At that visit they will also start me on something they call a drainage.  Which is a 10 day process to break down the shell/membrane surrounding the Lyme bacteria.  Because only once it is expose can they treat it.  The downside of it being exposed is that it will effect my brain....but they assured me that they would give me something so that I wouldn't feel like I was going crazy....yikes.

I spent that night in Burlington (with grandparents) so I didn't have to drive all the way home right away.  But we made it home the next morning.  

The whole trip exhausted and overwhelmed me.  When I got home I had about zero of my strength left, so I just curled up in a ball and cried. I spent the rest of the day trying to let everything just sink in; and also unwind.   But one of the problems with Lyme (one that I really struggle with) is that there is lots of bacteria in your brain, and so sometimes emotions and thoughts can't be controlled.  I did, however, get some relief later in the evening.    

This morning started off relatively ok, but I spent most of the day in bed.  And then in the afternoon I went to my chiropractor.  My neck was pretty horrible (as usual) so he spent a majority of the time trying to work through it.  I got home and went right back to bed (which is where I spend almost 90% of my time now).  I haven't really felt relief yet.  And when my neck is as sore as it is right now, there is often quite a bit of pressure and pain in my head.  My joints and back are also not doing so well at this point.  Hopefully I will be able to get some sleep soon.  It may help take some of the edge off.

The battle continues.

1 comment:

  1. Thankful you have found this doctor Sjanie - remember it's the Lord vs Lyme :) May He carry you and restore your health and strength! Will also pray for those who support you through this - a trying time for everyone.
